What's new on Team 7-2?
**Seventh grade students will be attending an end of year event at Mel's Funway Park in Litchfield on Monday June 18th (Raindate: June 19th). Permission slips went home with students on May 29th and are due June 11th.**
The last day of school will be June 22, 2018.
Dear Parents and Guardians
Welcome to the third quarter of the school year. We wanted to reach out and keep you aware and informed of some of the expectations that we have for your students now that it is half way through their 7th grade year. These expectations were shared with your students yesterday during a team meeting.
First, we wanted to recognize the many students on team that are doing the work and practicing their skills to help them learn. As teachers, we do recognize and appreciate their efforts even though it may often go unmentioned.
For those that are not currently putting in the work and using the tools available, during the team meeting we reinforced several of our team expectations as follows:
- Arrive to class on time. Some students have been congregating in the hallway in between classes and showing up to the next class late.
- Bring all required materials to the class. Students have been arriving to class without books, pencils, notebooks, etc. and asking to go to their lockers. Some of the classes have materials needed for the class posted outside the door.
- Cell phones and earbuds are not visible unless given permission by the teacher in the classroom. Additionally, cell phones and ear buds are not allowed in the hallways.
- Overall respect. Some students have turned simple teacher directions, such as write your assignment in your planners, into an argument.
While we recognize that the students on team that are conducting themselves in this manner are the minority, with 90+ students, we have instituted common consequences for violating these expectations.
- For their first offense, the student will receive a lunch detention with an e-mail home informing you of the reason.
- For their second offense, the student will receive an after school detention with an e-mail or phone call home.
- For any offenses after the second, we will escalate the consequence depending on the violation (from additional after school detentions to office referral).
- If any of the offenses include the phone or ear buds, their phone will be confiscated and brought to the office where they can retrieve it at the end of the day.
We hope that you understand and we look forward to helping your student be successful in the second half of 7th grade. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank You,
Team 7-2
Josh Hill
Erin Gregoire
Ryan Haggerty
Jill Smith
Jamie Philip
Ann Harvey
Donna Edmonds
Team 7-2
After School Academic Assistance Program
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In order to meet the needs of our students, we are offering an after school program. The purpose of the program is to provide extra assistance in the core academic classes, to assist students in studying for tests and to offer support following absences. Your child may attend as often as needed. Appropriate school behavior is expected.
Who: Students of Team 7-2
When: Tuesday Afternoons, beginning October 17, 2017
What: Tutorial sessions and make-up work opportunities
How: Teacher recommendation or student/parent request
Jamie Philip
Resource Teacher, 7-2
Please print and return attached permission slip: After School Assistance Permission Slip