Welcome to MMS Sports Page

  • Sign-Ups for MMS Cheer Team have Been Reopened

    Please Click Here to begin the registration process on FinalForms. Participation will be capped at the first 20-participants.  Anyone who registered last month is already included in this number.


    Important Items:

    • Please have an electronic copy of the most recent physical and immunization records. No paper copies will be accepted. Physicals should be within the previous year unless indicated.
    • Athletes are expected to attend all practices and games throughout the season. The school team takes priority over travel programs. Exceptions can be made for medical reasons.
    • To be eligible to participate in practices and games, athletes are expected to be in school on-time and remain for the duration of the day. Exceptions can be made for scheduled appointments.
    • It is also expected that Merrimack Middle School Team Participation takes priority over travel teams as stated in the Merrimack School District Co-Curricular Expectations
    • Student Athletes must pass Four-Units of Study with a Minimum GPA of 2.0 (C- on 5.0 MMS Scale) to participate in athletics.


     Looking for Directions to an away game?  Please visit www.tricountyathletic.org.  Once on the site, please click on the name of the visiting school and the directions and location should be seen.



    Please contact Athletic Coordinator Dave Babin with any further questions: david.babin@sau26.org






MMS Sports

Last Modified on December 4, 2024