Academic Information


    MMS Academic Information


    Report cards will be issued quarterly throughout the year. All grade reporting will be done by computer. Parents retain report cards and progress reports; however, the envelope containing grades will have appropriate places for parental signature and must be signed and returned to the homeroom teacher within three days.

    Progress reports will be issued on an as-needed basis. The marking system is as follows:

    A+ = 97-100   C+ = 77-79
    A   = 93-96   C   = 73-76
    A-  = 90-92   C-  = 70-72
    B+ = 87-89   D   = 65-69
    B   = 83-86   F   = 0-64
    B-  = 80-82    

    The honor roll is computed as follows: All A's signify high honors. The honors category is achieved by marks of A or B in all academic areas. In order to achieve honors recognition for the entire year, students must have A's or B's in all courses taken (special studies and academic courses). In order to achieve high honors recognition for the entire year, students must earn A's in all courses taken.


    Incomplete Grades

    Students who, for whatever reason, do not adequately complete the course requirements of a given subject area within the specified marking period (quarter) may receive an "incomplete" mark on their report card. Subsequently, students will be given a two week period following the completion of a marking period to make up any incomplete work. At the end of the two week period, the subject area teacher will remove the incomplete mark and will submit a letter grade for the course.


    Academic Integrity

    Students are expected to do their own work to the best of their ability. The faculty at MMS has adopted the following definition and procedure regarding cheating and/or plagiarism:

    Cheating is defined as presenting someone else's ideas, words or information as one's own or giving unauthorized assistance to someone else's work. Unless authorized by a teacher, the following examples are considered cheating: using "crib" notes, looking at someone's paper, having someone else write a paper, copying homework, giving or receiving answers, allowing someone to copy work, test, etc., and presenting information as one's own without giving credit to one's source.

    A student found to have cheated/plagiarized is to receive no credit for the assignment/test at issue; however, the student is responsible for the assignment. Parents and guidance counselors are to be notified by the teacher of the first offense. Second (repeated) offenses are to be referred to the housemaster for disciplinary action.



    Homework is an important part of a child's educational experience. Well planned homework assignments that are appropriate to the grade and level of the learner may take many forms including regular reinforcement of previously taught skills, independent assignments that enrich the school curriculum, reading to prepare for subsequent class discussions, review and study of notes assembled in class, and student writing in a variety of styles and forms. Middle School students may be assigned 60-90 minutes of homework per night. (Refer to District Policy #6530).


    Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Teachers are available for parent-teacher conferences throughout the school year. Conferences can be scheduled before or after school or during team planning time. Please schedule your conferences by calling the school (424-6289) or through a note sent to the teacher. In addition to the teaching team, other school personnel whom you may wish to have present for a conference could include the principal, the assistant principal, the school counselor, and/or the reading specialist.



    Throughout the school year standardized tests will be administered to your child. These assessments help to provide information on your students overall understanding of different concepts and skills. They include; STAR 360 Reading, STAR 360 Math, GRADE (Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation), as well as other state-wide assessments.



    The Merrimack School District provides textbooks and other instructional materials to students in order to maximize their educational experience. These materials are on loan to students. Students are responsible for covering textbooks and keeping all materials in good condition. Upon receipt of a textbook or other loaned material, the student and parent/guardian will sign a textbook receipt form. In cases where textbooks, library books and other instructional materials are lost, damaged, or destroyed in excess of reasonable wear and tear, the student will be assessed an amount sufficient to recover the item(s). In cases related to textbooks, the student will be assessed the replacement cost.