Please consult the MMS Parent/Student Handbook for details on Academic, Attendance, Code of Conduct, and School Board policies. The list below is a quick guide for the most often asked questions.
What are school starting and dismissal times?
School starts at 7:30 a.m. First wave of buses is called at approximately 2:05 pm. Walkers and riders will be called at approximately at 2:15.homeroom teacher.
How do I get my child's homework when he/she has been absent?
You may request homework assignments after every two consecutive days of absence from school. You may request additional assignments following the completion of previously assigned work. You need to call 424-6289 prior to 9:00 am. Parents may pick up the student's assignments after 2:30 p.m. and before 3:30 p.m.
When I come to MMS, where do I park?
During the day, when buses are not dropping off or picking up students (a.m. arrival and p.m. dismissal), we ask that you use Parking Lots B, C or D. Parking lot A is reserved for faculty and staff.
If my child does not take the bus, where should I drop off my child?
A special drop off area for students is located next to Parking Lot A. Parents must first drive into Parking Lot A, then wait to be directed by school personnel to the adjacent drop off area. Please do not drop off your child in Parking Lot A, but wait until you are directed to the drop off area.
Are all doors locked at the Middle School?
All doors except the main office door will be locked; entry from the open door at the main office will be monitored by a surveillance system.
How often are report cards and progress reports sent home?
Report cards are issued quarterly throughout the year. Typically the report cards are issued two weeks after the close of the quarter. Parents must sign the envelope and it must be returned to the homeroom teacher within three days.
Note: The final report card is mailed home 2 weeks after the last day of school.
We encourage parents to use PowerSchool to monitor acedemic progress of their students.
How do I go about scheduling a Parent-Teacher Conference?
Conferences are scheduled during the fall and the spring through our website. You can also schedule a conference any time through the classroom teachers.
When I have a question, who should I contact first?
Parents should first call the classroom teacher to clarify questions. If they still have questions, they should contact the assistant principal and finally the principal.
When I come to MMS, do I need to sign in?
Yes. Any visitor must report to the school office, sign in and be provided with a visitor's pass.