• MSD Student Data Privacy and Security

    Technology is a critical part of the 21st century classroom and we believe there is great potential for the use of online apps/tools to improve teaching and learning. The ever-increasing availability of online teaching and learning resources comes with inherent risks and concerns regarding student and staff data privacy and protection. We as a district have a responsibility to ensure that student and staff data and privacy is adequately protected while using any online digital resource in education and district operations processes. The Merrimack School District is providing the following information/resources for families and so that they can better understand different types of student data, how student data is collected and used, and the laws and practices that the district adheres to in order to ensure data security and privacy. Bear in mind that best practices in the education setting can be applied to protecting your personal data and privacy.


    Student Privacy 101 from US DOE

    Provides information about the federal law for student privacy. The law dates from 1978, which makes interpretation and compliance challenging in the age of online tools and learning environments. The DOE offers a range of informative resources.

    Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy from FERPA SHERPA

    FERPA SHERPA is a reputable site offering a range of information to help schools and families interpret and adhere to privacy standards and laws. 

    Parents Guides on multiple topics, including Education Technology from ConnectSafely.org

    ConnectSafely.org is an excellent resource guide to help support young users of online resources, social media, and gaming environment.

    Student Privacy Pledge

    This site shows software and website providers who pledge to keep student data safe. This is not the final say in protecting student data, vendors who sign the pledge are an excellent starting point for schools and families to find trusted providers of online games and learning tools.