Welcome to the Merrimack High School PTG Website - Parents and Teachers Supporting Students
What is the purpose of the MHS PTG?
The purpose of the Merrimack High School Parent-Teacher Group is to support educational enrichment and a sense of community at Merrimack High School. By promoting active cooperation and collaboration between parents, students, staff, and the community at large, we seek to establish positive relationships between home, school, and community and serve as a forum to address issues of general interest and concern that affect Merrimack High School.
What do we do?
The MHS Parent-Teacher Group forwards information from the MHS community to parents and guardians. This includes news from: Administration, teachers, athletics, theater, class specific news, and numerous clubs.
If you represent a MHS club/team/group and would like to get your information out, feel free to email us at mhsptg@sau26.org
Who are the members of the PTG?
All faculty, staff, and parents/guardians of students at Merrimack High School are members of the MHS PTG.