• FAQs:

    The FAQs below provide some general information on common questions about contributing to The Hawk.

    What do I have to do to get involved?

    Just come to a meeting. 

    How often does The Hawk meet?

    We meet weekly, on Fridays.

    What happens at the meetings?

    Our meetings go through a cycle.

    First meeting - sign up for story ideas/brain storm people to talk to and question

    Second meeting - type your stories

    Third meeting - sign up for layout pages (if you want - this is not required). 

    Then we begin the cycle again.  Of course, you can generate a story idea at any point in the process.  You do, however, have to report your stories on your own time.

    How long are these articles?

    About half a page to a page of typed, double spaced writing.

    Do I have to be in the journalism class to work on the magazine?


    Do I have to contribute to every issue?


    What do I get out of it?

    You get to see your name in print, collect articles you published into a portfolio, learn the school and talk to people you've never met before.  Plus, it looks great on your college application. 

    How do I know when the next meeting is?

    Just listen to the morning announcements.

    If you have some more questions, or can't attend the meeting but have an article you want to write, please e-mail one of the advisers.

